0.01km² is a simple concept for an ongoing project whilst I am based in Folkestone. Folkestone is slowly losing its small pockets of natural space to development and general 'upkeep' by the council. Areas of grasses and wildflowers, that are fundamental to the survival of so many species, are cut back regularly because they are seen as messy. 0.01km² is about an area of land slightly off the beaten track and the wildlife that I can find there. It is protected by overgrown plants and the chalky landscapes tendency to erode into the sea, and is therefore rarely bothered by people or dogs.
The area that I'll be covering comprises of a few habitats. Firstly the grassy/meadow-like area is a popular spot for insect life which in turn feeds the birds; various butterfly species feed on the flowers and spider species, including the Wasp Spider spring webs between the tall grasses. Secondly, the chalk/clay cliffs drop off and reveal the layers of sediment that can tell you so much about the geologic history of the area. These cliffs drop straight to the ocean where seabirds take precedence and seals can be seen bottling out at sea.
For the next few months I'll be visiting this area when I have chance and documenting the changes I see in the landscape and the species that live amongst it. Therefore this page will be growing as I take the images, so come back regularly and if you don't already follow me on social media the links are below!